Safety & Risk Management Committee

During our most recent meeting on June 4th, we kicked off the 2024 Safety Awards planning period. The awards themselves will be presented at C&D World 2025 in Dallas. The CDRA developed the Best Practices in Safety Awards program to recognize companies that have achieved a high level of safety management and identify a level of performance that all C&D operators should strive to achieve. We are open to feedback and welcome new safety criteria that are in keeping with industry activities, keeping in mind that not all C&D recyclers are the same (for example, some own facilities and those that do not). Our goal is to increase participation this year and look for other opportunities to share the program's true value.

Committee Vice Chair Matt Heinichen also presented a great C&D-specific overview of respiratory health and safety strategies. The presentation included types of hazardous materials, best practices for injury and illness prevention, types of respirators and their usage and maintenance, and much more. At the end, committee members participated in a Q&A session. Be sure to join us for the next meeting on Tuesday, September 17, at 4:00 PM Eastern.