Gypsum Recycling Committee

During our most recent meeting on June 12th, Chair Terry Weaver and the committee reviewed current and future plans. The Board recently approved a vendor for the Life Cycle Analysis Project, the work for which is expected to begin soon. Pledges to support the program are still encouraged. The committee is also planning a future gypsum recycling track, which is expected to be offered in Dallas as part of C&D World 2025. A gypsum recycling online library will be developed for future website work.

CDRA is working to formulate a position related to a Gypsum Recycling bill in California. There’s renewed energy around this topic in the California legislature, and CDRA members must be represented during this process. Amanda Kaminsky, Director of Sustainable Construction for Lendlease, presented a proposal outlining a phased approach to promote sustainability in the construction industry. Others in the meeting shared the challenges and ongoing research regarding the recycling of gypsum in states such as Nevada and California, though other states were mentioned as well. Manufacturers, contractors, and C&D processors were all represented in this discussion. The ideas shared this month will be explored further by a small task force between now and the next committee meeting.

We look forward to seeing you at our next meeting on July 10th!