Gypsum Recycling Committee

Chair Terry Weaver shared the latest updates during our most recent meeting with committee members. The Life Cycle Analysis project has begun, with phase 1 expected to be completed this fall. A gypsum recycling focus is expected to be offered in Dallas during C&D World 2025 and a digital library is planned as part of the next version of the CDRA website. Discussions continued around Proposed Extended Producer responsibility legislation and third-party verification of recycling rates. Executive Director Heidi Sandborn of the National Stewardship Action Council, a non-profit advocacy group, is eager to work with a CDRA task force in the coming weeks as California lawmakers prepare for their 2025 legislative session, while keeping in mind it’s CDRA’s “intention of providing comments and recommendations which would increase recycling while avoiding unintended consequences,” according to Chair Terry Weaver. 

To better frame the benefits and potential challenges to each CDRA stakeholder, Terry mentioned the key components of successful recycling plans and the role that different stakeholders play in the process. Helping lawmakers to understand the unique burdens associated with increased enforcement, landfill bans, diversion methods etc., along with existing industry resources and gypsum levels in California, will be key to crafting appropriate legislation. An anonymous poll was taken during the meeting, with an additional poll having been sent following the meeting, to gauge each attendee’s support for certain policies or processes that might be enacted and/or actions that might be taken by the state, and the results were shared in aggregate during the meeting. Attendees’ questions were answered, and Terry also shared some state gypsum data, noting that the total amount of gypsum material on hand in processing plants and other facilities during a typical year is somewhat difficult to quantify using existing data.

Thanks to Terry Weaver and Executive Director Terri Ward for the excellent preparations for this meeting and to all who contributed during the Q&A session! We hope to see you all at our next meeting on August 14th.